
DMflow.chat web: Flexible integration with customizable interfaces. Supports SDK, seamless system switching, and linking windows for unique user experiences.

Web Version

The web version offers customizable colors and tools to redirect to other websites.

JavaScript SDK

Embed Window:

<script type="module">
  import Chatbot from "{{sdk url}}";
  Chatbot.init({"id":"{{bot id}}","theme":{"button":{"backgroundColor":"#9c27b0"},"header":{"backgroundColor":"#9c27b0"}}});

To use other chatbot brands or web support, use observersConfig to monitor user input. If "help" is detected, the chatbot is destroyed.

	"id": "{{bot id}}",
	"theme": {
		"button": {
			"backgroundColor": "#9c27b0"
		"header": {
			"backgroundColor": "#9c27b0"
	"observersConfig": {
		"observeUserInput": (userInput) => {
			if (userInput === 'help') {

Full Page:

<dmflow-fullchatbot id="{{bot id}}"></dmflow-fullchatbot>
<script type="module">
  import Chatbot from "{{sdk url}}";
  Chatbot.initFull({"id":"{{bot id}}");

Sample Website

Link Window:

After enabling Share, obtain the encoded ID, e.g., @8aYK2AoGe0. Visit https://app.dmflow.chat/s/{{id}} to open the link window.

The link window supports logging in from the backend to continue the previous conversation.

Last updated