
DMflow.chat dashboard integrates forms, aligns permissions, and enables easy data management, boosting efficiency and analysis capabilities.

The dashboard provides access to all enabled forms, allowing you to utilize the form functionalities based on your permissions.

You can view all data accessible according to your permissions here.


  • Adjust Fields: Hide/show fields, change fields to files (share a 10-minute link with others), use formulas, and link forms.

  • Filtering: Filter data based on values.

  • Sorting: Sort data by updates or new rows, by time or numbers (text sorting not supported yet).

  • Grouping: Group data by total, distinct count, sum, max, min, average. Keywords can group by keyword, numbers by range, dates by year/month/day.

Linked Fields

You can link fields with other forms.

Example Formula:

Currently, formulas include the following. Fields can only be used within the same row, not across rows.

  • IF Condition:

IF(!{{bool}}, 'go', 'stop') // If bool=false, go; otherwise, stop
  • ABS:

ABS({{value}}) //Absolute e.g. ABS(-9) output 9

MAX({{price1}}, {{price2}}, {{price3}}) // Find the maximum value (at least two numbers)
MIN({{price1}}, {{price2}}, {{price3}}) // Find the minimum value (at least two numbers)
SUM({{price1}}, {{price2}}, {{price3}}) // Sum of values (at least two numbers)
AVERAGE({{price1}}, {{price2}}, {{price3}}) // Average of values (at least two numbers)
  • SQRT:

SQRT({{value}}) // Square root
  • RAND:

RAND() // Output a number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive)
  • Logical and Arithmetic Operators:

+, -, *, /, >, =, <, ^ // Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, greater than, equal to, less than, exponentiation
  • Mathematical Operations:

{{price}} * {{quantity}}
  • Date Operations:

DATETIME_DIFF('day', {{start}}, {{end}}) // Days between start and end
DATETIME_FORMAT({{start}}, 'yyyy-MM-dd') // Formats date
TODAY() // Today's date
WEEKDAY({{start}}) // Day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
DAY({{start}}) // Day of the month
MONTH({{start}}) // Month
YEAR({{start}}) // Year

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