Bot Flow Intuitive design for smart chatbots. Supports multiple channels, customizes interactions, and improves communication efficiency.
Graphical Node Introduction
Messaging Process Features
Node Movement: Nodes can be moved by dragging.
Testing: Test third-party channels directly without switching to the channel each time.
Test and Production Versions: All channels offer both test and production versions, except the web channel which only has a production version.
Testing Interface
Telegram does not support multiple card templates.
The bot can only output text with buttons; other formats require custom JSON output, including LINE's Flex Message.
(As of version 1.0.9, variable injection is not implemented and only fixed JSON output can be used.)
For more details, refer to this documentation link.
Pre-development Notes for Bots
Start Node: The start node is not necessarily the welcome node and can be called with /start.
Reply Node Interruption: Initially included intent judgment within conditional statements, but intent has been removed in the cloud version, reducing its effectiveness. This feature now redirects to branches that satisfy conditions if the node falls back.
Using "/" Commands: Scenarios can be directly jumped to with commands starting with "/". For example, from scenario A, if the bot asks "your message" and you type /B for information, after completing /B, it returns to scenario A and reasks "your message". Jumping to another node does not cancel the current node.
Resource Node
The resource node can invoke other APIs and return results based on the conversation entity. It is synchronous by default, waiting for a response before proceeding. The timeout for this node is five seconds. Future versions will allow unlimited internal API calls.
Reply Node
Can output in different languages based on the user's chosen language (manual translation is preferred for accuracy).
Multiple answers can be chosen randomly.
Display text and click actions (text, event, link).
Text Button
Returns text on click.
Link Button
Opens a link on click.
Event Button
Triggers various actions: ignore, interrupt, start, end, awaken.
Ignore Event
Displays text only; the event is ignored by DMflow.
Interrupt Event
Jumps to another scene.
Start Event
Returns to the main scene.
End Event
Ends the session.
Awaken Event
In listening mode, this button awakens the bot without needing a wake-up sentence.
Await User Response
Ends the node and waits for the user's reply.
Interrupt Activation
Restarts from the beginning if the next node fails to match.
Scenario Node
Pauses the current scene and calls another; resumes the original scene after completion.
Restarts the scene process.
Return to Main
Returns to the main scene.
Automatically called upon node completion, except in branch fallbacks. To avoid fallback messages, follow with a complete node.
End Process
Directly ends the process.
The bot only receives messages; if a message matches a sub-process, it continues until a wake-up sentence is heard. Sub-processes often use resource nodes, enabling cross-channel chatting or resource monitoring.
Directly jumps to another reply node (must check "await user response").
Call Nodes
These nodes are mostly API calls provided by the product. Currently available options include:
Domain Call
Event Registration (broadcast registration)
Event Registration Cancellation (broadcast cancellation)
Account Linking (link accounts to
Live Support
Variable Nodes
These nodes inject parameters into labels, user data, and single-session storage.
Last updated