
Chat responds to questions through preset prompts. There are two parts to understand: Prompts and Few-Shot Conversations.


Prompts are keywords or phrases that trigger responses from the bot. If you are unfamiliar with using prompts, you can select the SYS_PROMPT role in the provided test menu and interact with it to receive useful prompt suggestions.

Few-Shot Conversations

Few-shot conversations involve preset templates that the bot uses to answer user questions. The bot will respond based on these templates.


You can set some preset skills (e.g., translation, sentence refinement) here for the chat agent to call upon. Additionally, we provide a tool for querying Form Q&A, which can convert user questions into SQL statements, calling the corresponding content from the form and providing it to the user.

Reasons to Use Casual Chat

  • Convenience: Provides chat agents with a way to output conversations based on preset methods.

  • Functionality: Offers features for third-party channel users to search documents, create new documents, and more.

  • Tools Available:

    • Document Query: Search for Document Q&A content.

    • New Document: Create documents based on selected forms.

    • Document Search: Search within selected forms based on form permissions.

    • Rating: Ask users if they are satisfied with the response.

    • Update User Data: Update email, username, phone based on this.

    • Speech Recognition: Requires Gemini model, file size must be under 5MB, and duration no longer than 5 minutes.

    • Image Recognition: Requires Gemini model.


This Q&A is not for productivity tasks, so it cannot use web scraping or image generation. It is intended to respond to consumer questions, aiming to reduce related issues. Version (1.0.17) defaults to Gemini 1.5 flash, but it's still a Beta version, limiting function execution to once at a time. Therefore, additional descriptions are needed in the prompt for creating documents and ratings. If there are any issues, please feel free to inquire. Contact

Last updated