Trigger chatbot supports integration with LINE messages, LINE Notify, OpenAI's Chat, Image, Audio, SendGrid email, Telegram messages, Openrouter, as well as Google Calendar and Google Drive.

Triggers in initiate actions when a conversation button is clicked. The trigger process involves checking for errors in the input text and can call a predefined LLM (default is Gemini 1.5 flash in version 1.0.17) to supplement the text.

Trigger Process Components

  1. IF: Directs the process to a true or false node based on conditions.

  2. ASSIGN: Stores content obtained from the conversation into specific fields.

  3. RESPONSE: Generates new conversation output based on the filled Prompt, and the output can be stored via the ASSIGN node.

  4. ERROR: Outputs an ERROR node and forcibly ends the conversation if the input field content is incorrect.

  5. STOREQUERY: Extracts JSON from a piece of dialogue, which includes text, files, or other information. These details are saved using the ASSIGN node.

Background Process

The background process executes after the trigger process reaches END and completes storage, updates, or deletions. It processes the data generated by the trigger process further.

Default Background Process Components

  1. HTTP: Calls external HTTP resources.

  2. IF: Same as in the trigger process, directing the process based on conditions.

  3. ASSIGN: Same as in the trigger process, for storing content.

  4. LOOPS: Loops through based on specified fields.

  5. SEARCH: Queries data from forms.

  6. INSERT: Inserts new data (new row).

  7. UPDATE: Modifies data for a specified ID.

  8. DELETE: Deletes data for a specified ID.

Additional Background Process Components

  • LINE: Sends messages via LINE (Push).

  • LINE notify: Uses LINE notify.

  • OpenAI: Supports Chat, Image, Audio.

  • SendGrid: Sends emails.

  • Telegram: Sends messages.

  • Openrouter: Uses other LLM products.

  • Google Calendar

  • Google Drive

Pending Review Components

  • Gmail


Background trigger calls use tenant-provided keys, which are encrypted in the database. For any concerns, please avoid using the feature. Apart from test calls, trigger invocations are not recorded, but tenants can view their trigger call records.

Last updated