Form forms offer many components and allow interactive dialogue with the form.

Form Components

Creating Custom Forms

  • Text Field: Text input.

  • Tags: Can store multiple contents in one field.

  • Textarea: Displays as Markdown.

  • Checkbox: Suitable for true/false values.

  • Radio: Suitable for single choice values.

  • DateTime: Allows date and time selection.

  • Date: Allows date selection.

  • Select: Can be multi-select or single-select. Select can integrate fields from other forms and monitor other select values for changes. The monitored select must be below the monitoring select.

  • Email: Validates if it is an email. Text Field can also be used with regex for the same purpose.

  • Upload: File upload, currently only supported in general form filling.

  • Number: Validates if it is a number. Text Field can also be used with regex for the same purpose.

  • Password: Can use Utils for encryption and comparison.

  • Hidden: Can hold field values, divided into constants (fixed value), page (value obtained from the linked field), and session (currently only supports userId).

  • Reserve: Includes keywords, start time, and end time. The start and end times must be on the same day.

  • Paragraph: Outputs as a text message in the chat system.

Form Permissions

Forms can be accessed by visitors and users with permissions such as create, read, update, and delete.

  • Visitors: Often from LINE, Messenger, or Telegram, can add data through conversations, usually granted add and read permissions.

  • Users: Linked to a DMflow account via LINE, Messenger, or Telegram can use it.

Form Functions

  • Required: Mandatory fields.

  • Options: Must meet the values inside.

  • Max and Min Values: For time and numbers.

  • Regex: For text validation.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use to manage various types of Q&A and improve your chatbot's capabilities.

Last updated