Live Chat supports live customer service and integrates LINE notify notifications with form trigger content. Features include assigned and unassigned Inbox management. provides live customer support that can be managed via third-party channels, with Agents representing customer service personnel. There are two modes of live customer support:

  1. Through DMflow Web Interface:

    • DMflow offers responses via its web interface for LINE, Messenger, and Telegram channels.

  2. Directed to Official Messenger or LINE Customer Centers:

    • The official LINE customer center offers more functionalities than the API, such as phone calls and file transfers, which the API cannot handle. Mixed usage is possible.

Current Features

  • DMflow's web interface supports LINE, Messenger, and Telegram customer service.

  • Notifications are bound to LINE notify and are integrated based on form triggers.

  • Agents can manage their inboxes, whether assigned or unassigned.

  • Notes can be made using /note to mention other users.

Contact Management

  • Contact Inbox: Allows Agents and tenant creators to directly contact DMflow support.

  • User Attributes: Modify memory templates, properties, and tags. These tags are not the same as Agent ticket tags.


Agents can use domain skills, such as document Q&A and chit-chat, with responses generated using LLM stream. Forms can open a new window in "guest mode," allowing agents to access and respond to guest-created form data.


  • Currently, live customer support is not available for embedded web pages.

Last updated